The purpose of our blog

Hello everyone!

Please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Courtney Everhardus. I was recently hired as a marketing associate here at St Charles Closets. A large part of my job is running our current social media websites Facebook and Houzz. Over the last couple of days I have been “cleaning up” and organizing these social media pages in hopes that our clients (and potential clients!) will find them easier to navigate. I have made it a personal goal of mine to establish a larger presence on these websites, and others, (Blogspot!) as well as get our name out to people who may not know who we are yet.

Once this blog accumulates an audience, I intend to post 2-3 (maybe more) updates per week. I would say about 85% of the updates posted will consist of pictures and descriptions of current projects that our team is working on. The other 15% will hopefully be my responses to articles and stories relevant to our industry, as well as some home inspiration pictures to not only show what we have done, but what we can do!  Throughout the rest of this week I will be updating this blog with some background information about our company, and every Friday I hope to post a single entry with multiple pictures showing what our team accomplished that week.

Thanks for reading!

I’ll be posting again soon.